
Posts Tagged ‘Freedom’

What is Freedom? Is it worth fighting to keep it for next Generation? What does the Bible say concerning Freedom? What does history teach us about Freedom? Let me start by quoting an American President a few years ago; “If we (America) loose Freedom here, there is no where to escape too, this is the last stand on Earth!” Ronald Reagan I will tell you right up front, this is not political and I could care less if like Ronald Reagan or not! What he said is absolutely True! God is the Author of Freedom and as the Bible says; Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. And again in verse 13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” It should grieve our hearts to the core of our being knowing America is far from practicing this principle set forth in verse 13! If we as Christians do not revere and stand firm on Freedom, No one will! The unsaved and the Worldlings think Freedom is the ability to do whatever they want, when they want and how they want! The fact is, Freedom is Given by our Creator and has responsibilities attached! The Principle responsibility is to do what is Right! Not what I think is right or what you think is right, but what God thinks is Right! Listen again to Scripture; 1Peter 2:16 “Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.”

Let us consider for a moment how God feels about how we have handled His Freedom, given by His Son Jesus Christ. His Son Jesus Christ is now mocked and ridiculed by the masses in America! Instead of Christians standing and proclaiming Freedom and forgiveness to all who would repent and believe in Jesus Christ, they sit in their homes and pews and complain and grumble about the Countries Moral decline. Let us consider something else; Is He (God) happy how we have handed over our Freedom for the sake of security? That is exactly what we as Americans have done. Example, look at how much Freedom has been lost since 911. A Freedom loving, law abiding, God fearing citizen gets profiled wherever we go! Bible carrying Christians are now on the spotlight of Home land security. Sounds almost like USSR or China! But Americans have surrendered to the pressure of fear and therefore handed over God’s Freedom to other men for protection! If God brought us to something, do you not think He will bring us through it? One of our Founding Fathers warned us about complacency, apathy and giving up Liberty for the sake of security! “If we (Americans) give up Liberty for sake of security, we will loose both.” Ben Franklin It is so very true, if you give a rat a piece of cookie, he will then want some milk!

Is Freedom something to fight for and protect? Absolutely! Do you want your children and grandchildren to live under the oppression of Big Government? I pray not! Do you want your children checking in with the State to see if it is ok to have a Bible Study or even start a mission to help the homeless? I think Not! Then I say Repent of your slumber and immoral attitude towards Freedom and come back to Christ! I will close with this statement of Scripture; “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” Job 1:21


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What I am about to talk about is grievous to my heart. I have spent many nights praying and lamenting. The topic is America! The land of the Free and home of the brave. The greatest most prosperous Nation this world has ever seen. Anyone who says that America was not founded on Biblical Christian Principles are ignorant and has not studied the founders own words! I love my Country and the Constitution as founded. Now for the Lamentations. Depravity! Depravity! Depravity! What is meant by depravity is found in the Bible. If you look and read the following passage with the Holy Spirit, the reader must see the the pattern of destruction. Romans 1:18 “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, (Truth in America has become relative instead of absolute!)

19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities– his eternal power and divine nature– have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. This statement includes Atheist!

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Is America Thankful for Divine Providence and Protection as its founders were?

22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Does this not sound like the Global warming, environmental fascist. Who think more of a little fish or an animal than a baby in the womb!

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.

25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator— who is forever praised. Amen. America once celebrated our Creator but now it is politically incorrect or bigoted to even mention Him or His Son Jesus the Christ.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.

27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. If this is not talking about Homosexuality then what is it talking about?

28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. This means people who do not think it worthwhile to keep knowledge have lost their ability to act on their own best interest. People who fit in this category do not realize the harm they are causing themselves and others.

29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,

30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;

31 they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. “Woe to a Nation that calls evil good and good evil!”

America needs Salvation that comes through repentance and the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Our Nation is collapsing from the inside out! Truth is no longer sought. Money and power are the focus of most of our leaders. By the way, America deserves the leaders they elect! This simple Truth should raise awareness of the fact that people elect leaders that reflect their own character. America needs for its God fearing, law abiding peace loving citizens to awake from their slumber and repent and seek the Face of God to bring America back from its Depravity and restore our foundation upon the Rock of Truth! One of founders stated that this Republic could not stand unless its people are a religious and moral people! So, Lamentations and prayers will continue to go up to the Father of Truth. May Jesus Christ speak to many through this blog, that America will not dread the way of Rome!

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“Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God who made us.” Abraham Lincoln  Let us consider with humility what one of America’s most loved President said during our Nation’s civil war.  Let us also try and apply this statement to America today.  Can it be conceived, that after the passing of many years since that Great President spoke those words, how far this Nation has fallen from the God who has Created us and Blessed us as a Nation?  Intoxicated with self! The only word to describe the masses is Narcissism! The definition’s are as follows; 1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity. 2.  erotic gratification derived from admiration of one’s own physical or mental attributes.  3. an exceptional interest in or admiration for oneself, esp one’s physical appearance 4. sexual satisfaction derived from contemplation of one’s own physical or mental endowments.  Most in America seem to be so self consumed to see their need of Redemption!  Their need of a Savior!  Their need of humility!  Their need of God’s Grace and Mercy!  The Bible speaks volumes about the Depravity of this Human condition.  God Created mankind with a Free choice.  “Choose Him and live or choose to go your own way and die!”  Hell is ever expanding and making room for mankind who’s choice is their own way!  Make no mistake about it, God does not want anyone to Perish in the Lake of Fire.  He wants all to come to the Knowledge of the His Son Jesus.  He wants all to see the futility of their own thinking and humble themselves!  He wants all mankind to Repent of Self!  No person can be saved without first being humbled and repentant.  Self Pride, Self centeredness, Self reliance, Self sufficiency, Self indulgence and Selfishness are self destroying!  Listen to this story that Jesus told concerning  this topic. Luke 18:9 “To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood up and prayed about {11 Or <to>} himself: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men— robbers, evildoers, adulterers– or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ 13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ 14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” So dear reading, where do you fit in this parable?  Have you humbled your self and ask God to have Mercy on you for Christ sake?  Have you not seen your sinfulness? Your Narcissism? Your Pride?  Do you not know that you need to Repent?  May God have Mercy on me a sinner should be the cry of your soul!  If we as Americans continue to be self sufficient and self consuming we will see America Self Destruct!  As Ronald Reagan once said, “If we are not a Nation under God, we will be a Nation gone under!”

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Happy Independence Day from GoDaddy.com!

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In the lobby of the Department of Health and Human Services is a large bronze sculpture of a solitary woman playing with her three children. That sculpture is called “Happy Mother.”

Nothing better illustrates what’s wrong with American culture today than the philosophy behind that sculpture — that fathers are extraneous. Yet that myth is the basis of forty years of failure by the leftist research communities to honestly report on the problem of fatherless families.

Many social scientists now agree: A loving mother and father within a committed marriage is the very best foundation for the family, for the economy, and for the nation. Yet currently, about forty percent of American children are born out of wedlock. That fact affects everyone and all of American culture. Though many have tried, there is no way to separate the social and economic issues; they are intertwined. Family problems always hit our pocketbooks — hard!

Bottom line: The family — the glue that holds our communities, nation, and world together — is weakening, and the moral foundation necessary for a civilized and well-functioning society is crumbling all around us.

When the family becomes nothing more than “any group of people living together,” there is no moral authority in terms of standards of behavior. Children are left to drift aimlessly in an “anything goes” culture. The family is where a child first learns what it means to “share and care,” to “take turns,” and to be an ethical, moral, and empathic person — one who will become a contributor to a good and prosperous society. These character traits are more “caught” than “taught.” Children need to observe those authentic interactions day in and day out in the reactions and relationships of the adults around them.

American opinion leaders have for years advocated and modeled a self-indulgent lifestyle, claiming that there are no negative consequences. An endless stream of so-called research studies has obfuscated the causes of the nation’s social problems. Reality, however, cannot be suppressed. Material prosperity will never compensate for moral poverty. Without authentic moral absolutes, America as we know it is at risk. Moral boundaries, not moral relativism, are the fiber of a strong nation. When truth and goodness are not vigilantly upheld, distortions, lies, and myths flood in to take their place like in sea-flooded New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

History offers harsh examples — Hitler’s Youth Movement or Mao’s Red Guards — that show the terror that can be unleashed when solid moral principles no longer guide a nation. When marriage and family decline, the quality of community life erodes, and there’s a corresponding breakdown in social cohesion. An examination of the world that our children inhabit shows the values vacuum created by those who disparage traditional morality, virtue, and good manners. The result is moral decay as vulgarity spirals downward into viciousness and crude immorality.

What is thriving in today’s values vacuum? Rock music and pop stars push the envelope with a hedonistic lifestyle and songs with misogynistic, crude, coarse, and shockingly vile lyrics. Cartoons, popular movies, and television programs portray parents as out-of-touch, old-fashioned, and prudish. Defiant, rebellious children talk back to teachers and parents. Patriotism, family traditions, and religion are treated with disdain. Adults and authority figures with moral values are often held in contempt, subtly mocked, or openly ridiculed. A favorite tactic of television situation comedies is to poke fun at bumbling and inept fathers, school principals, and religious leaders. Weakening respect for parents and other adult authority figures tempts inexperienced youths to make far-reaching decisions or take huge risks with potentially costly consequences.

In analyzing these problems, we’ve seen that changes in grassroots attitudes and the cultural climate of a nation don’t happen just because facts indicate the necessity for such changes. A sustained public effort is required in order to achieve needed social changes. Consider two efforts in America’s recent history that show dramatic success in producing broad cultural transformations. Their purpose has been to convince women not to smoke or drink alcohol during their pregnancies because of the potential danger to their babies. Subordinate campaigns sought to convince parents that secondhand smoke is damaging to children and that drinking and driving can be deadly. The results have been overwhelmingly positive.

First, these efforts to change public behavior were based on solid research data showing that certain behaviors produce negative health outcomes, especially for pregnant women and their unborn children. Second, both campaigns for change included broad public relations efforts that focused on the whole nation and enlisted the efforts of a wide spectrum of opinion leaders. All these efforts produced amazing results at the grassroots level. Perceptions changed, values changed, and most importantly, behavior changed.

The burning question we face today is whether the epidemic of single parenting is likewise amenable to influence by researchers’ findings and whether those who influence public opinion will support the effort to change those attitudes and behaviors that lead to the establishment of single-parent households. It is glaringly obvious that government solutions are never enough to compensate for the breakdown of the family.

Let us be clear. If America is to have a future as bright as its past, we must guard and maintain the fortresses of truth and knowledge against the unending assault of fallacies, folly, and myths.

In the early 1900s, Robert Frost wrote a poem called “Mending Wall.” That popular poem describes the experience of two neighbors meeting every spring to walk the fence dividing their properties and working together to repair the damage that occurred during the previous winter.

Today, we need a national application of the lesson of Frost’s poem: The good walls of moral boundaries make for a strong nation. We need to walk together along the fence lines of the walls that protect our culture. Together, we need to look realistically at the numerous areas that have fallen. Then we must work together to rebuild and repair those walls.

We must restrain the cultural pollution that poisons individual lives and destroys the potential of the whole nation. We must lift the heavy boulders of protection and replace them so that future generations will have a bright and prosperous future. Those who care about the future of America must be committed and determined to restore the moral foundation stones our founders laid for this great land. By Janice Shaw Crouse, writer for the American Thinker.

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“We are 5 days away from Fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” “Change is coming to America.” “The Constitution is a document of negative liberties; what the government can’t do to Americans, but it never goes into what the government should do on behalf of Americans.” “I will not have special interest groups in my administration.” Anyone with honesty will have to say “you lie!” Mr. President. If we Americans compare what our President actually says compared to what he does, can there be a better definition than fascist? I wish to define a word, Fascism;“A form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass_based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.” [Robert O. Paxton, “The Anatomy of Fascism,” 2004]
However there is something good that has come as a result of this President. I know that many of you will read this only because you think I will join in the Obama bashing club! Some of you may think that I have lost my mind and have drank the Progressive and Marxist cool aid! How many of you have found yourself praying more diligently for America? How many Americans do you know that are actually waking up from their slumber? How many do you know that used to never vote for or against anyone but now see that instead of complaining about policies from politicians they are actively voting for people who reflect their own principles and values? Our Nation has become Morally bankrupt. Largely because people look to men to solve their problems instead of God. As a result of a Nation of baby killers and Sodomites, we may be seeing God use Fascism to humble Americans who never get involved in our leaders who set themselves up as god. Idolatry is run amuck in our Nation and God wants us to repent! Compare Israel of the past with America of today. (2Chronicles 36 and Daniel 1) God in a nutshell sent Israel into captivity because of their idolatry and evil leaders. Israel did repent after the discipline of the Lord their God, but only after 70 years in Babylon. Maybe just maybe America is better than Israel. Is this your thinking? Think again! It is my sincere prayer that God’s people in this country will say thank you God for Obama, we have seen the errors of our ways and are repenting of our political Idolatry! May all who call themselves Christian take the attitude of Daniel. Listen to our Bible; “1Timothy 2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone–
2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior,
4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
6 who gave himself as a ransom for all men– the testimony given in its proper time. 7 And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle– I am telling the truth, I am not lying– and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles.
8 I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.
I know this is an opinion of the Bible and it is hard to obey. But I am convinced that God is in control of our destiny!!!

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Sharing this article from Prophecy News Watch.  Where will you spend Eternity?  A Scripture to think about while reading this article is ; “Re 6:9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.
10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”
11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed.

There is a widely quoted statistic that more Christians died for their faith in the 20th century than in the 19 centuries leading up to it. But as bad as the 20th century was, the 21st century is starting to make that look like a Sunday picnic. In every corner of the globe, Christians are being shot, burned, hanged, tortured and even stuffed into metal shipping containers. Christian clergy are being marked for assassination around the world, hundreds of churches are being burned to the ground along with scores of homes and businesses owned by Christians. Dozens of nations across the globe have now passed strict anti-conversion laws in an attempt to stifle the spread of Christianity. In the countries where Christians are not yet facing physical persecution, they still must deal with open discrimination, lawsuits and increasing ridicule. Christianity is now the most hated and most persecuted religion on the plant. The reality is that the words that Jesus spoke in John 15:18 ring truer today than ever: “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.”

Keep those words in mind as you read the following shocking reports of Christian persecution from all over the world….


Chinese authorities have conducted a crackdown on “illegal” Christian churches in recent months that church leaders are calling the harshest in years. Christians in China are required to worship in “churches” run by state-controlled organizations, and Christians who attempt to worship on their own are brutally persecuted.

Recently, hundreds of government police and hired thugs descended on a megachurch that served approximately 50,000 worshippers, smashing doors and windows, seizing Bibles and sending dozens of worshippers to hospitals with serious injuries. The co-pastors of the church are in prison and police vehicles remain parked on virtually every corner of the neighborhood where the church is located. Scenes such as this are regularly being repeated all over China as the Communist government seeks to eliminate all religion that is not government-sanctioned.


In a story that recently made headlines all over the world, thirty elderly women in Eritrea were arrested for simply praying together. But the truth is that this is just the latest episode in an ongoing persecution of Christians that is beyond brutal.

The Pakistan Christian TV website recently described the horrifc persecution of Christians in Eritrea this way….

Today some 3,000 Eritrean Christians are imprisoned for their faith. Some are in underground and solitary cells whilst some are in ‘secret’ prisons for the ‘disappeared’. However, most are herded into unventilated shipping containers in the desert where dysentery and infectious diseases go untreated. Torture is routine.

The truth is that these unventilated shipping containers are extremely uncomfortable. The temperatures in these metal shipping containers can reach well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and in many instances Christians are not even let out of them to use the bathroom.

Assassinations Of Clergy

Increasingly, Christian clergy are being targeted for assassination all over the world. The following are just a few of the recent examples….

*A Russian priest that had been highly critical of Islam has been assassinated inside his own church.

*Leftist guerrillas in Colombia brutally executed a Christian pastor just outside his own home.

*Two masked members of the al-Shabaab Muslim militia shot and killed a Christian pastor in Somalia as he drove home from a worship service.


Persecution of Christians in India is getting so bad that India actually made International Christian Concern’s Hall of Shame.

According to the ICC, 2008 was particularly bad, with “wave after wave of highly coordinated Hindu raids” that resulted in “the worst outbreak of anti-Christian violence in its recent history.”

The statistics that the ICC quotes regarding the outbreak of persecution in India are sobering….

“In all, more than 100 Christians are confirmed dead, 4,000 homes have burned down, and over 50,000 Christians have fled their homes.”

The following is just one example of what is going on in India. This story was originally posted by The Voice of the Martyrs….


On April 25, Pastor Mohan Babu and two other believers were severely beaten by 35 Hindu extremists for holding a Vacation Bible School (VBS) near Bangalore City, in Karnataka State. According to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts in India, the three-day VBS was organized by Ragigudda Baptist Church. VOM sources said, “Around 60 children from different backgrounds were attending the VBS. As they were worshiping, about 35 people belonging to a Hindu extremist group forcefully entered the hut chanting slogans and demolished the hut. The extremists mercilessly beat Mohan, Samuel and Krishna, alleging forceful conversion. The perpetrators chased the children without any courtesy and tore the Bibles. Mohan was severely injured on his lips and was profusely bleeding. The believers are living in fear and did not lodge complaint with the police.”



Hundreds of Muslim villagers in southern Egypt recently burned and looted scores of Christian-owned shops. Christians in Egypt live in a constant state of fear and thousands are being forced to relocate. In fact, the forced deportation of Egyptian Christians from their homes by the government in order to “protect” them is rapidly increasing.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, of course, strictly forbids the conversion of any Muslim to Christianity. The penalty for conversion is death. Back in 2008, The daughter of a man who works for Saudi Arabia’s religious police became a Christian after she joined an Internet chat group. He responded by cutting out her tongue and burning her to death.

The United Kingdom and Europe

All across Europe, “anti-proselytising” laws are being passed. Not only that, but other laws are being adopted that force Christians to deny their beliefs. For example, the U.K. government is being forced by the European Commission to eliminate exemptions that allow churches to refuse to employ homosexual staff.

North Korea

North Korea is one of the most brutally repressive governments in the history of mankind. Tonight more than 200,000 Christians will try to stay warm in horrific North Korean labor camps.

Christians there are considered little more than dogs as the following story from The Voice Of The Martyrs illustrates…..


The young brown-eyed girl looked up at her mother. What would she decide?

Earlier that morning, the young girl’s mother, their pastor, and twenty-six others in her North Korean village of GokSan were bound and taken before a screaming crowd of Communists.

One of the guards ordered Pastor Kim and the other Christians, “Deny Christ, or you will die.” The words chilled her. How could they ask her to deny Jesus? She knew in her heart he was real. They all quietly refused.

Then the Communist guard shouted directly at the adult Christians, “Deny Christ, or we will hang your children.” The young girl looked up at her mother. She gripped her and knowing how much her mom loved her. her mother then leaned down. With confidence and peace she whispered, “Today, my love, I will see you in heaven.”

All of the children were hanged.

The remaining believers were then brought out onto the pavement and forced to lie down in front of a huge steamroller. The Communists gave them one last chance. “Deny this Jesus or you will be crushed.” The Christians had already given up their children; there was no turning back.

As the driver started the heavy piece of equipment, the singing from the villagers started softly. “More love, O Christ, to thee, more love to thee.”


United States

Even with everything that has happened, the United States still offers Christians more freedom than virtually anywhere else on earth. But that is quickly changing as well. Christians in the U.S. just do not have the same level of freedom that they used to experience.

For example, school teachers in Florida say that they are being forced to hide in closets to pray after a controversial court ruling. All expressions of Christian faith are being ruthlessly pushed out of the public sphere by very powerful interest groups.

Calls for government repression of Christianity in the United States have grown louder than ever before. The Huffington Post even published a deeply disturbing article that calls evangelical Christianity the number one source of domestic terrorism in the United States and that calls on the Secret Service and the FBI to investigate and “infiltrate” pro-life and evangelical Christian groups.

Not only that, but many of the hottest best selling books in recent years have publicly mocked Christianity….

Just consider the titles of a few recent New York Times bestsellers…..

*”God is Not Great: Why Religion Poisons Everything” by journalist Christopher Hitchens.

*”The End of Faith” by atheist author Sam Harris.

*”The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins.

But this anti-Christian sentiment is just not held by a few elitists. The reality is that it has spread to much of the general population.

For example, the following are the titles of just a few anti-Christian threads on one of the most popular political discussion forums on the Internet….

“Dirty, Filthy, Christians”: Treatise On The Most Dangerous Death Cult In Human History

How can we destroy Christians?

Christians should not participate in politics

Why Christians are so ******* lame…

Attention Heterosexuals! Repent! Jesus Can Finally Make You Gay!

Christian are sub-humans

The truth is that hatred for Christians and Christianity is rapidly increasing.

Jesus warned us that these days would come.

In Matthew 24:9, Jesus told us how the world will treat Christians in the end times….

“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.”

The times ahead of us are not referred to as “the Tribulation” for nothing. It will be an absolute bloodbath for Christians. The entire world system will be geared towards eliminating all traces of the true Christian faith. Members of the same family will even betray one another to the authorities.

The truth is that things are not going to get any easier for Christians from here on out. Someday soon there will be no place to hide from Christian persecution.

When that day arrives, what will you do?

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Thoughts about Jesus from my heart and Thomas E. Kempes.
JESUS has always many who love His heavenly kingdom, but few whobear His cross. He has many who desire consolation, but few who care for trial. He finds many to share His table, but few to take part in His fasting. All desire to be happy with Him; few wish to suffer anything for Him. Manyfollow Him to the breaking of bread, but few to the drinking of the chalice of His passion. Many revere His miracles; few approach the shame of the Cross. Many love Him as long as they encounter no hardship; many praise and bless Him as long as they receive some comfort from Him. But if Jesus hides Himself and leaves them for a while, they fall either into complaints or into deep dejection. Those, on the contrary, who love Him for His own sake and not for any comfort of their own, bless Him in all trial and anguish of heart as well as in the bliss of consolation. Even if He should never give them consolation, yet they would continue to praise Him and wish always to give Him thanks. What power there is in pure love for Jesus — love that is flee from all self-interest and self-love! Do not those who always seek consolation deserve to be called mercenaries? Do not those who always think of their own profit and gain prove that they love themselves rather than Christ? Where can a man be found who desires to serve God for nothing? Rarely indeed is a man so spiritual as to strip himself of all things. And who shall find a man so truly poor in spirit as to be free from every creature? His value is like that of things brought from the most distant lands. If a man give all his wealth, it is nothing; if he do great pe nance, it is little; if he gain all knowledge, he is still far afield; if he have great virtue and much ardent devotion, he still lacks a great deal, and especially, the one thing that is most necessary to him. What is this one thing? That leaving all, he forsake himself, completely renounce himself, and give up a ll private affections. Then, when he has done all that he knows ought to be done, let him consider it as nothing, let him make little of what may be considered great; let him in all honesty call himself an unprofitable servant. For truth itself has said: “When you shall have done all these things that are commanded you, say: ‘we are unprofitable servants.'” Then he will be truly poor and stripped in spirit, and with the prophet may say: “I am alone and poor.” No one, however, is more wealthy than such a man; no one is more powerful, no one freer than he who knows how to leave all things and think of himself as the least of all. How about you? Do you love the cross of Christ? If not Why? Great Day He is Worthy!!

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by Chuck Norris

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”

But what if those who restrict our freedoms are the very people who are in charge of securing them?

Over just the last year, Washington has worked double-time to limit your liberties, despite such reductions being cloaked under the guise of governmental progress.

First and foremost, Washington has reduced our freedoms and restricted our future by heaping upon our posterity astronomical amounts of debt, trying to jump-start the credit circus in our economy. Despite borrowing $787 billion from China to stimulate the economy with a promise to cap unemployment at 8 percent, unemployment has climbed to 10.2 percent and shows no sign of decreasing. And right now a record 14 percent of homeowners are either in foreclosure or behind at least one mortgage payment.

(Thanks to Ron Paul and others, last Thursday a House panel decided to audit the Federal Reserve, finally providing some accountability to this financial runaway train that doles out billions to whomever it pleases. Even with this mandatory audit, however, the Fed’s monetary policy deliberations will still need to be reined in. I recommend two insightful and strategic books toward that goal: Ron Paul’s “End the Fed” and  Vox Day’s “The Return of the Great Depression.”)  Because of all their excessive spending, bailouts and borrowing, Washington has further restricted our financial freedoms by decreasing the value of the dollar. Since just March 2009, the U.S. Dollar Index, which measures the strength of the dollar against other major currencies, plunged more than 15 percent, making U.S. stocks also cheaper for foreign investors.

Washington is also reducing our medical choices or freedoms by mandating a government option upon all of us.

Despite the biggest economic recession since the Great Depression, like a ramrod, Washington believes it’s also a good time to force another $1 trillion on American taxpayers by providing another governmental entitlement called universal health care. In so doing, Washington is further reducing our financial freedoms and slowing future economic recovery by placing even more increased debt and taxesupon Americans to pay for yet another social program.

To add insult to injury, Washington is also going around the back door to provide illegals with universal health care by seeking their amnesty. Not only will Americans pay for another 14 million people’s government health care, but amnesty will also reduce the number of jobs available to legal citizens by adding more to the legal workforce (and demand for better jobs) and simultaneously slow down the rate of the unemployed being re-employed.

(Ask your representatives to support H.R. 615, which expresses that all members of the House who vote in favor of the establishment of a federal government health-insurance option are urged to forgo their right to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and agree to enroll under that public option as well. There are 97 co-sponsors thus far.)

Washington has also reduced our speech freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment by passing a hate-crimes bill that was appended to the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act, potentiallycriminalizing conservative free speech if it can be proven to have contributed to assaults based upon sexual orientations.

The White House has even reduced religious freedoms by belittling America’s rich Judeo-Christian heritage, enabling a secular progressive and pro-Islamic agenda, and remaining indifferent to issues such as the ACLU’s disposal of veteran memorial crosses in the Mojave Desert and at Mount Soledad.They also turn a blind eye to the whitewashing of our godly heritage from Washington’s historic landmarks and on U.S. artifacts.

Washington will also restrict religious freedoms and freedoms of conscience by forcing pro-life citizens to pay for abortions via universal health care.

Washington has also reduced our Second Amendment firearm freedoms by appointing anti-gun advocates like Justice Sotomayor or OSHA’s David Michaels, by seeking to micromanage gun ownership via proposed legislation like H.R. 45 and by politics-as-usual, like blaming guns rather than Islamic extremism for the shootings at Fort Hood. (Those who believe that the Second Amendment is a foundational right and freedom might want to consider my new “limited edition Chuck Norris tribute revolver” on their Christmas wish list.)

Washington has also reduced our freedoms by increasing the threats to our country via the delay in response to our generals’ requests for more troops in Afghanistan, allowing Gitmo detainees and terrorists to come to the U.S., and enabling homegrown terrorists like Maj. Nidal Hasan within the very fabrics of our military.

As I consider these many freedom robbers and the political culprit enabling them all, I can’t help but think of a country song, the lyrics of which are:

What can they all be thinkin’ Wanna take the cross off of the hill
Put away the pledge of allegiance
Lord, just the thought gives me a chill
They can take God off our money but, in the end oh ain’t it funny
How we’re all gonna see him on the Judgment Day
So sing it loud
One more time
Hear what I say
When you got the truth inside, now they can’t take that away
One more time
’cause it ain’t too late
Hold on to what you believe ’cause they can’t take that
They can’t take that away

As I experience the loss of American freedoms, two more thoughts repeatedly come to my mind.

The first is from Daniel Webster, who said, “The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of executive power.” Since the Revolution itself, I believe we are in the fight of our lives for American freedoms. I don’t know who said it, but I definitely prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery.

The second thought is one attributed to M. Grundler: “It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you.”

I don’t think I’ve ever been as thankful for American freedoms as I am now. I must admit that I’m also appallingly alarmed that some of them might not exist at all by this time next year. Like a sunset dropping over the horizon of our founders’ dreams, so our freedoms are vanishing from view.

So if you lack something for which to be thankful this Thanksgiving, I’m recommending that we give thanks for our freedoms, for they’re fading fast and possibly soon to join the endangered species lists. The truth is:  Food is far more plentiful than our freedoms at this point.

You don’t need to be eloquent, just bow your head and say from your heart this simple prayer a good friend wrote and sent to me:

God is great
Guns are good,
Let us thank them for our food and freedoms.

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